How to use Robinize?

What is Robinize? 

SEO content writing and optimization tool that will improve your position on Google.  

How to use Robinize?

   1. Type in the keyword you want to rank for. 

   2. Click on Generate report. 

    3. Wait a moment while our algorithm runs a report...

   4. After the report is done, click on Show Details and get a general idea of your writing goals.

    5. Content Quality Measures: See what content grade and average word count you should aim for in order to attract search traffic. These results are based on an analysis of the top 20 web pages currently ranking for your keyword on Google.

    6. Under SERP results you will see the top 20 results on Google.

    7. Click Optimise and start writing. But first, let's explore the editor page...

Editor Page 


Word Count: Gives you a pointer to how long your content should be based on the top-performing content of your competitors. Make sure to always reach the given number of words or to write a bit more. 

Readability: Google expects different topics to have different levels of complexity in writing. For example, a text about rocket science should be more complex than a text about baby toys. Robinize does an analysis of your competitors’ content and recommends a level of complexity that is in accordance with Google’s expectations.

Content Grade: Robinize grades your content on a scale from 1-10  so make sure to use all the semantically related terms possible in order to obtain the higher content grade. Content Grade and Terms are correlated.


Terms are one of the most important features. They are considered semantically relevant to your topic and they help Google determine if your content is valuable.  

How do we know that terms are relevant? By harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence to analyze content using the latest and greatest methods in Natural Language Processing (NLP), our algorithm gives you all the terms that Google will recognize as important. 

  Terms Importance

Terms are categorized by Importance on a scale from 1-10 which shows you the importance of each term. It’s based on looking at how many of the top 20 results on Google mention the term. 

Valuable tip: All terms are important but some more than others. Related terms with an importance of 7-10 are the ones you must use, 4-6 are good to use, and 2-3 are nice-to-use in your content. Related terms 7-10 are a must-use because they reveal the intent of your searchers. 

Robinize highlights the used terms (green) so you have clarity while writing. 

  Show Examples

When you click on each individual term you can see all the details about it.

  • Show examples button leads you to the list of articles in which the term appears. So you can see the context.
  • If for any reason you don’t want a term to be in your article, just click on the eye in the upper right corner and the term will be muted. 

  Number of Usages

Every term comes with the typical number of usages.

Robinize makes sure you use the optimal number of terms by giving you warnings.

  • Green: You used the term enough times.
  • Yellow: You didn't use the term enough times.
  • Red exclamation mark: You used the term too many times.

  Heading Details

Have an insight into how frequently was the term used in a heading of your competitor’s content.


If you are all out of ideas on how to form your content, there is an Inspiration tab coming to help. The Inspiration tab is there to let you know what people actually google so that you can serve content that answers those questions and meets demand. It consists of two parts.

  1. People Also Ask are the snippets of answers to frequently asked questions you can find when you Google a topic. By answering these questions in your content, you have a chance of being in the snippets.
  2. Below is a list of phrases that people google, which is derived from the autocomplete function in the Google search engine. This is yet another great list of phrases to write content around.
It’s smart to use the Inspiration tab in combination with Outlines, to decide the structure and topics of your own content.


Find out how your top competitors organised their content, so you know what to write about and how to structure it.

That’s all! Now you are ready to start writing. Happy content creation :)

We’re here to help you create the best SEO content that will improve your rankings. Feel free to contact us at any point if you have any questions, want to give feedback or propose new feature requests.

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